An Open Letter to Gymboree
Dear Gymboree Teachers,
I stumbled into a Gymboree class when Audrey was just shy of five months old. It was a low point in my life, as a new mom diagnosed with PPD and I knew no one in California after being transferred here for my husband’s job. Obviously the class was more for me than for Audrey in the beginning to socialize and be around other mothers. I was overwhelmed at first with all the songs, dances, and activities. I wasn’t much of a “kid person” before having Audrey, but I caught on quickly once I learned how a simple song can help soothe her.
I was amazed by your teachers. Gymboree teachers genuinely love children and their jobs. It is not easy to keep a class of babies and toddlers entertained, but they do. They engage each child and learn their personalities. The Gymboree staff has become an extension to our family because they see Audrey grow up before their eyes daily. Audrey is greeted with smiles and hugs when she walks in and it warms my heart. In my dark days of PPD when I couldn’t muster the strength to hop in the shower, I would force myself to get to Gymboree so that I could be around the teachers and Audrey would have an hour of a happy an energetic environment. I am not ashamed to admit that when I knew no one else in California, the teachers were my tribe and support. They still very much are. For Audrey’s first birthday party we invited the staff of Gymboree and they all came. People thought we were crazy inviting her Gymboree teachers, but they are familiar and comforting faces to her. Audrey has a close bond with her teachers and knows each one, even if she can’t say their names. She hugs them when she says good bye for the day on her own accord. I trust very few people with Audrey in their care, but I can honestly say I trust each and every teacher in Gymboree to care for my baby like they would their own. Thank you for your support and love of my child when I was struggling most. For the assistance you’ve offered in the form of babysitting, hugs, or laughs. Thank you for understanding when I show up at the wrong time for class and not making me feel like a failure. Thank you for realizing when it has been a rough day and entertaining Audrey before class so I can take a breather. Thank you for loving my little girl and being a part of our family. Thank you for being you.
The amount that Audrey has learned in Gymboree is more than I would have been able to teach her at home. Being a new mom, I don’t know all the songs, all the milestones, all the play and learn techniques. Gymboree has afforded Audrey an opportunity to thrive in socialization, develop her own personality, and play while learning new things daily. It is a special moment to watch your child learn something new for the first time and see how proud they are of themselves. Audrey learned to roll, crawl, and walk in Gymboree, she learned to socialize with other children, how to greet people and say goodbye, how to clean up activities, and developed a strong love for bubbles and the clown Gymbo. My heart explodes with pride when I watch her tackle a new set up at Gymboree.
I am a proud Gymboree mama and when people ask, “is the cost really worth it?” I can confidently proclaim, “Yes! It is worth every penny”.
A Gybmo-lovin’ Mama