Quarantine Life

Four months ago when I wrote my last post, I was out and about daily with both kids. Going to playgrounds, play dates, Disneyland, stores, restaurants, and seeing friends daily. Four months later…full stop. We are enduring a global pandemic with Coronavirus, and are experiencing unprecedented mandates and quarantines.


It’s a scary time if I stop and think about it for too long. There are long lines to enter into grocery stores where the shelves are bare and there are limits on what you can purchase. We are experiencing a Stay at Home Order in the state of California; unless we are going for essential supplies, we are supposed to be home. We are practicing a new term of “social distancing”, which is an introverts dream of keeping 6 feet distance from people. There are pop-up testing sights in parking lots to be tested for the virus. Daily press conferences from the President, Governor, and Mayor with updates and requests. Most terrifying, there is a shortage of protective equiptment for those in the front lines. Medical professionals are being forced to wear make shift masks while putting themselves at risk to save lives. In a matter of weeks the world has changed, my routine has changed, and I'm struggling to understand what is going on.

I remember hearing when you have children, your perspective on things change. I couldn’t understand that until I became a Mom. This entire scenario we are living in is being handled different than I would have sans children. My Mama-bear instinct is kicking in and I have an obligation to protect my children and provide for them. I feel like I need to think three steps ahead in regard to diapers, formula, meals, and activities. The everyday run to Target can’t happen and I need to have things on hand because I don’t know what will be in the store the once a week I go. I need to be prepared for anything, yet I need to focus on maintaining life as normal for Audrey because this isn’t something a 2.5 year old can or should understand.

We’ve been trying to maintain the same routine as previously without any play dates or going out but I won’t try to sugarcoat it; it’s hard. Staying at home is my jam, it’s my current job. I spend day in and day out with both kids but when you are mandated by the government to not leave your house you suddenly feel all kinds of anxiety; and that is fine. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed and confused. People should feel safe to say, “I’m not ok today.” When the whole world is running on uncertainty I should’t be expected to be fine every minute of the day; but I am trying. So I have tried to be productive with our quarantine time, doing activities, online learning resources, and keeping our scheduled daily routine the same while maintaining social distancing and avoiding going anywhere.

As for Jamari; he’s fine. He’s enjoying the extreme quality time he is having with his loving family. No gym, no sports on TV, rationed toilet paper, teleworking, and home 24/7 with two kids, his dog, and wife. Honestly…he’s living the dream.

So, do your part. Stay home, wash your hands, be kind to people, maintain distance, and allow this to pass. This is something my children will read about in their history lessons (if history is even a subject anymore?) I want to document as much as possible so they can see the time we are in through memories.

Favorite Quarantine Activies:

  • Sensory Box

    • Waterbeads

    • Dyed Rice

    • Dyed Beans

    • Kinetic Sand

  • Water Play

    • Popsicle Baths

    • Washing Plastic Toys

    • Painting Toys with Washable Paint to Wash

  • Toddler trampoline

  • Scavenger Hunt Walks

  • Crafts for Neighbors with Porch Drops

  • Online Preschool Circle Time

  • Disney+

  • Baking and Cooking Lessons

  • Dance Parties

  • Yoga

  • Video Chats (we are taking video chat requests!)